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Alison EmilienCurrently a 3rd year electrical student at University of Ottawa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering
University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario)Start date date: | September 2020 |
Expected graduation date: | May 2024 |
A-Level & O-Level Cambridge International Examinations, Science Side
GMD Atchia State College (Port-Louis, Mauritius)Start date date O-level: | Jan 2016 |
Gradution date: | Feb 2018 |
Start date date A-level: | Jan 2018 |
Gradution date: | Feb 2020 |
Courses covered up until Third year courses - Full description of all courses taken
Here is a list my top 7 favourite courses covered
Course code | Course description |
ELG 3125 | Continuous-time and discrete-time signals. Mathematical description of systems. Properties of systems. Convolution and impulse response of continuous and discrete time LTI systems. Fourier series of periodic continuous and discrete time signals. Decomposition and approximation of signals by orthogonal functions. The Fourier transform of continuous and discrete time signals. Frequency response of systems. Frequency selective filtering. First and second order systems. Sampling and interpolation of continuous-time signals. LTI system analysis with Laplace transforms. |
CEG 3136 | Microprocessors and their general architecture. CISC and RISC architectures. Microcontrollers. Embedded systems. Designing computers using microprocessors. Introduction to computer hardware software codesign. |
ELG 3155 | Introduction to control systems, dynamic systems modeling. Laplace transforms, partial fraction methods. Block diagram and signal flow graph models, transfer functions of linear systems. Introduction to state-space models. Feedback control system characteristics, stability and Routh-Hurwitz criteria, the root locus method, design of industrial controllers, the Nyquist stability criterion, Bode plots, design indexes, lead and lag controllers. |
GNG 2101 | A hands-on, team-based introduction to product development and management principles for engineers and computer scientists and their impact on social and economic aspects of engineering practice. Topics include creativity and innovation product development process, engineering project management, market evaluation and identification, engineering economics, technology entrepreneurship. |
ELG 3175 | Review of linear systems, the sampling theorem, and Fourier analysis. Noiseless analysis of the linear modulation schemes: double sideband, inphase-quadrature, single sideband, vestigial sideband and conventional AM. Superheterodyne receivers. Angle modulation: phase modulation, and frequency modulation. Carson's rule. Discriminator and phase-locked loop detection of FM. Basic digital modulation techniques: ASK, PSK, FSK. Bandwidth requirements of PAM (Nyquist's criterion). Pulse code modulation and companding. Introduction to error control coding and to information theory. |
ELG 3136 | Differential Amplifiers: BJT, MOS. Multistage Amplifiers: Frequency Response: s-Domain analysis, amplifier transfer function, frequency response of CS, CE, CB, cascode, CC and cascaded amplifiers. Feedback: general feedback structure and basic feedback topologies. Stability, frequency compensation Output Stages and Power Amplifiers: Class A, B and AB output stages. IC and MOS power amplifiers. |
ELG 3316 | Machinery principles. Three-phase systems, transformers. AC machinery fundamentals, synchronous generators, synchronous motors, induction motors. DC machinery fundamentals, dc motors and generators, special-purpose motors, single-phase induction motors. |